Our Impact

Working alongside the agencies of the SEF Development Network and through partnerships with local communities, civil society, and businesses, as well as governments and international aid agencies, we are building a future where we all thrive together.

Sudan Crisis Humanitarian Response

Location: Sudan

Reach: 124,123 (68,610 women, 55,513 men)

Budget: $1.5 million CAD


Location:  India

Reach: 86,980 children; 62,721 women and female youth

Budget: $999,104

Location: Afghanistan, India, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan

Reach: 1.08 million people (612,875F 466,873 M)

Budget: $6.73 million

Broadening Economic & Social Transformation for Women’s Economic Empowerment
Adolescent Girls’ Education in Crisis Initiative

Location: Uganda, South Sudan, Syria

Reach: 148,218 adolescent girls and female youth aged 10-24

Budget: $17.1 million

Partnerships to Advance Sexual and Reproductive Health of Women in Mozambique

Location: Mozambique

Reach: 449,500 people (234,600 women and adolescent girls; 214,900 men and adolescent boys)

Budget: $2.9 million

Location: Afghanistan

Reach: 37,000 pregnant women

Budget: $2.179 million

Infant Newborn Care Kit
Afghanistan Humanitarian Response Project

Location: Afghanistan

Reach: 731 women farmers (5,117 people indirectly reached through increased access to fresh produce)

Budget: $150,000

Accelerating Climate Lab Diamond Entrepreneurs

Location: Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, South Africa, Malawi, Ghana, Nigeria

Reach: 6,325 people (2,742 women)

Budget: $2.1 million

Location: Nambia

Reach: 200 educators and 10,000 students

Budget: $100,000

Educating for the Sustainable Development Goals
Malaria Control Innovation and Research Project

Location: Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Syria, Kenya, Tanzania

Reach: 5,390 (2,672 F, 2,718 M) users are anticipated to participate in the research studies

Budget: $800,000

Scaling Affordable, Quality, and Contextually Relevant Preschool Provision in Kenya

Location: Kenya

Reach: 10,000 children aged 4 to 6 (5,000 girls and 5,000 boys)

Budget: $2 million

Location: Global

Reach: This is a research project with no direct beneficiaries.

Budget: $560,000

Assessment of Implementation Models of Health and Health-related Sustainable Development Goals